Saturday, November 30, 2019

Website for Kudler Fine Foods Essay Example

Website for Kudler Fine Foods Essay Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) mission is to provide customers the best produce, wines, and associated needs in an unparalleled customer setting. Kudler brings its customers the finest products from around the world. Kudler Fine Foods wants to improve the functionality of their current website to be more competitive and to offer their unique products to customers everywhere. History The founder of Kudler Fine Foods is Kathy Kudler; she brings knowledge from a previous career as a vice president of marketing. As Kathy relieved her stress by gourmet cooking, she found it hard to find all ingredients in one place. Kathy recognizing a need for an upscale gourmet store in La Jolla, CA, she sought financing with a business plan in hand, and opened her first business June 18, 1998. To Kathy’s surprise, the store was profitable within the first nine months. In 2000, Del Mar became the location for the second store and a third store in Encinitas was in operation in 2003. Kudler Fine Foods is now ready to offer these great products to customers around the world with a new e-commerce website. We will write a custom essay sample on Website for Kudler Fine Foods specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Website for Kudler Fine Foods specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Website for Kudler Fine Foods specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Sales and Marketing Kudler Fine Foods is experiencing growth in the gourmet market, the time has come to grow in the service area, improve upon the effectiveness of its business and increase loyalty and profitability by increasing the purchasing power of its consumers. If the opportunity is favorable, Kudler Fine Foods will launch stores in Florida and Connecticut. Kudler Fine Foods focus has been on the development of services to the customer and adding a frequent shopper program to help increase profits. Now the business will incorporate the frequent shopping program and sales into the new web design that will take Kudler Fine Foods to the next level of business opportunities. Point of Sale The current Point of Sale (POS) module is NCR RealPOS 30; it gathers customer files and details of items purchased. The POS system permits growth with ecommerce; it can capture the same information online as well as in-store purchases. The new website will interface with the current POS system. Gathering customer information brings on the responsibility to guard personal information. Modern businesses deal with an elaborate system of laws and regulations. Business owners cannot survive without basic knowledge of these laws and regulations. KFF’s business has superior ethics that inspiring to do what is best for the customer, not just try to make a profit. Frequent Shopper Program Kudler Fine Food’s tracks the purchase behavior of the customer at the individual level. KFF provides incentives from joint ventures with companies with a program based on points accumulated from purchases. Kudler customers are not focusing on price; they want quality and variety of gourmet foods. The web is a great place to offer such merchandise to customers by using pictures and videos to offer how- to on using gourmet foods. The firm’s relational attitude often comes to life by the articulation of frontline employees whose characteristics and behaviors’ can apply considerable impact on the results of interactions with the customers according to Arbore, Guenzi, and Ordanini (2007). The same is true with service level for a website; the site must also meet all the needs of the customer. Focus Group The focus group for the development of an e-commerce website will be Kathy Kudler, the Director of store operations, sales staff, accounting clerk, computer support specialist, purchasing manager and IT staff. According to Woodward (2008), a website can expand a company’s geographical reach and its ability to provide customer service at a low cost. Current System The current system is a Norvell 4. 11 server with four POS windows PC’s at each location with a 56k modem connected to the Internet and each store has a standalone UPS modem. La Jolla and Del Mar each have a PC with PII NT server with built-in modem and cd-rom reader and a PC with PC 64 mg ram with windows and office 97 using server, a bubble jet printer and a stand along cd burner. Purpose Kudler Fine Foods is a unique type of store with a unique clientele. There are very few specialty stores in the United States so the use of a website will open a new business to web users to obtain gourmet foods delivered right to their doorstep. In staying with their specialty branding, Kindler’s executives and the sales and marketing department are enthusiastic about the se of the e-commerce website. Detail Design Kudler will need to implement an up-to-date server. We recommend that a server be purchased and the current one scrapped. The server will also need to run a more up-to-date version of the Windows operating system. I recommend Windows server either 2003 or 2008. I chose the Windows server edition because of the company’s already existing famili arity with the Windows server operating system. I also believe that learning the Linux operating system might slow down business operations and this is why in this situation a newer version of Windows would be a more reliable choice. Windows Server 2008 R2 builds on the successes and strengths of its Windows Server predecessors while delivering valuable new functionality and powerful improvements to the base operating system. New Web tools, virtualization technologies, security enhancements, and management utilities help save time, reduce costs, and provide a solid foundation for the information technology (IT) infrastructure (Microsoft. com, 2009). After the purchase of a server, and the launch of the website, we can keep the Kudler Fine Food checkout lanes open around the clock. The website will be written in hypertext mark-up language (HTML). Html is the standard programming language that information for the web is created in. The site will include JavaScript and Ajax with Meta tags to help search engines keep Kudler Fine Foods at the top of search results. We recommend that we change the current Internet access from a 56k dial up modem to modern like a high-speed xdsl or cable internet access. In addition, other options available, but I think cable or xdsl Internet access will give Kudler more than enough Internet bandwidth. This will enable the Kudler website to handle the traffic to their site in a faster manner. The modem upgrade will also enable the company server to send e-mail without worrying about the bottlenecking or choke points that occur due to the limited amount of bandwidth that is available to a dial up network. This will also be an improvement for those employees who need to access the network remotely. After signing up at the website, the customer will have agreed that his or her actions will be tracked while on the website via the user agreement or the terms of service. This will help Kudler tailor its business around the user. This will be more effective because Kudler can suggest the items that the customer is most interested in, and offer deals on those specific products. I believe that this will result in more customers who are pleased with their experience at the Kudler website and more sales for Kudler. This service will also enable customers to create online shopping list, and enable them to pay from home and pick up in store or have the items shipped. Test Process summary After all code is tested, a testing environment will be set up for users to test all web pages on different browsers. Testing for the website will be done using IT staff and in house employees. The functionality must appear seamless while the system must integrate with all aspects of the current POS system with enterprise wide software, online shopping and the Content Delivery Network (CDN). According to O’ Kennon (2010), using (CDN) as a server hosted by a third party, the content will be geographically closer to the users that request the content of the Website from Kudler Fine Foods. This will provide high-quality service quickly to keep the users attention. Software To start the testing, using the website interface and database software, the first step is the testing of the enterprise wide analytics software by integrating the current Access database; this will help expedite the testing and integrating tasks. The current Access database contains all vital records to the company. The enterprise wide software must be able to show the important fields within the database for each department. Testing of this software will be conducted offline to ensure the proper interfacing to the purchasing system works. Sales employees communicate with the customers; they would have firsthand knowledge of what the customer likes. If all looks good offline, then once the server is up and running transition to the website interface will begin. Hardware During the software coding, hardware testing will be used to validate the proper transition. A new server will be purchased and tested within the Kudler system as an addition. Once the server seems viable transferring information from the old servers to the new one will begin. As the software becomes available all testing between hardware will be with the new server. This will ensure that no additional testing will be needed on unused hardware. Testing will include data transfer and communication between location and external Internet connectivity. Support and Maintenance Summary Because Kudler Fine Foods is a smaller company, an offsite support company or outsourcing would make better business sense. The company does not have to employ a service person to maintain the website as well as any hardware for the system. This will be a cost savings for the company; in the event that hardware has problems, they can inform the support company. A super user at each location will help other employees and customers if they have issue that come up with the website. References Arbore, A. Guenzi, P. and Ordanini, A. (October 12, 2007). Loyalty building, relational trade-offs and key service employees: the case of radio DJs. Emerald Journal retrieved April 23, 2010 from the University of Phoenix Microsoft. com. (2009). Microsoft Windows Server Edition 2008R2 Product Information. Retrieved April 23, 2010 from http://www. microsoft. com/windowsserver2008/en/us/product-information. aspx O’Kennon, C. (2010). Content Delivery Networks. Retrieved May 7, 2010 from http://www. apollolibrary. com/Library/err/ElectronicReserveReadings. aspx. Woodward, K. (2008). Evaluating Web Site Goals and Needs. Retrieved May 7, 2010 from http://www. apollolibrary. com/Library/err/ElectronicReserveReadings. aspx.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

International Eco friendly business Example

International Eco friendly business Example International Eco friendly business – Essay Example International Eco friendly business: How Moonglow can manage to maintain its â€Å"eco-friendly† operations internationally? How Moonglow can manage to maintain its â€Å"eco-friendly† operations internationally? Environmental protection is a subject of concern everywhere in the world. People all over the world realised that it is difficult for the environment to survive longer periods if we continue our environment destruction activities in the present rate. â€Å"Entrepreneurs, already at the forefront of the environmental revolution with the products they sell, also are proving to be leaders of a less visible but equally powerful trend: the transformation of their companies into lean, green operations†(Barette, 2009). Sustainable development is a slogan implemented in business strategies by many of the organizations. Moonglow is one such organization, which is ready to invest a substantial portion of its profits for the rebuilding process of environment. Moonglow is currently trying to expand its eco-friendly business to Europe and other parts of the world. It may not be easy for Moonglow to manage their eco-friendly business internationally. â€Å"Green energy is renewable and sustainable. It is renewable because it is not depleted easily and is naturally replenished. Green Energy is sustainable because no matter how recklessly we use these resources the future generation is not likely to suffer because of that!† (Green energy, n.d.). Wave power, tidal power, wind power, and solar power are some of the green energy sources available in this world. Energy crisis is a major problem everywhere in the world. Majority of the available energy sources such as hydroelectric power, nuclear power, thermoelectric power etc are causing harm to the environment in one way or another. Moonglow should think about the utilization of green energy sources for its energy needs in overseas countries. Solar power utilization seems to be feasible option for the energy needs of Moonglow for its operations in overseas countries since solar power is abundant everywhere in the world. So, Moonglow should invest more for the exploitation of t he solar energy as a first step for its international operations. Packaging of dairy products without plastic materials seems to be a daunting task for Moonglow. No material can provide the same convenience offered by the plastic containers as far as packaging of dairy products is concerned. It is going to be a difficult task for Moonglow to find out eco-friendly packaging materials in overseas countries. It is better for Moonglow to concentrate on bio-plastic materials for the packaging of its dairy products in overseas countries. Bio-plastic is environment friendly compared to normal plastic since it a material not originated from petroleum. Moonglo should follow the 3R’s (reduce, reuse and recycle) of environment protection principles strictly in its international operations. To conclude, Moonglow should practice sustainable business strategies in overseas countries for the successful selling of its dairy products internationally. They should utilize green energy sources available in overseas countries for their energy needs. Moreover, they should use environmental friendly packing materials for the packing of dairy products. The three R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle) of environmental protection activities should be implemented strictly in overseas countries. References Barette, A. (2009). Creating Eco-Friendly Operations. Business Week. August 07, 2009. Green energy (n.d.). Retrieved from

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Short History of Microsoft

A Short History of Microsoft Microsoft Corp. is an American technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington, that supports the invention, manufacturing, and licensing of goods and services related to computing. It was registered in New Mexico in 1976 after being formed the year before by two childhood friends. Two Computer Geeks Before Paul Allen and Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft, they were avid computer geeks in an age when access to computers was hard to come by. Allen and Gates skipped high school classes to live and breathe in their schools computer room. Eventually, they hacked the schools computer and were caught, but instead of being expelled, they was offered unlimited computer time in exchange for helping to improve the school computers performance. Gates and Allen ran their own small company, called Traf-O-Data, while in high school and sold a computer to the city of Seattle for counting city traffic. Chesnot / Getty Images Bill Gates, Harvard Dropout In 1973, Gates left Seattle to attend Harvard University as a pre-law student. However, Gates first love never left him  as he spent most of his time in Harvards computer center, where he kept improving his programming skills. Soon Allen moved to Boston as well, working as a programmer and pressuring Gates to quit Harvard so they could work full time together on their projects. Gates was uncertain of what to do, but fate stepped in. The Birth of Microsoft In January 1975, Allen read an article in Popular Electronics magazine about the Altair 8800 microcomputer and showed it to Gates. Gates called MITS, makers of the Altair, and offered his and Allens services to write a version of the new BASIC programming language for the Altair. After eight weeks, Allen and Gates demonstrated their program to MITS, which agreed to distribute and market the product under the name of Altair BASIC. The Altair deal inspired Gates and Allen to form their own software company. Microsoft was started on April 4, 1975, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the home of MITS, with Gates as the first CEO. Where the Name Microsoft Came From On July 29, 1975, Gates used the name Micro-Soft, which had been suggested by Allen, in a letter to Allen referring to their partnership. The name, a portmanteau of microcomputer and software, was registered with the New Mexico secretary of state on Nov. 26, 1976. In August 1977, the company opened its first international office in Japan, called ASCII Microsoft. In 1979, the company moved to Bellevue, Washington, and two years later incorporated there under the name Microsoft Inc. Gates was president of the company and chairman of the board and Allen was executive vice president. History of Microsoft Products MicrosoftOperating Systems An operating system is a fundamental software that allows a computer to operate. As a newly formed company, Microsofts first operating system product to be publicly released was a version of Unix called Xenix, released in 1980. Xenix was later used as the basis for Microsofts first word processor, called Multi-Tool Word, a predecessor to Microsoft Word. Microsofts first wildly successful operating system was MS-DOS or Microsoft Disk Operating System, which Microsoft wrote for IBM in 1981 based on computer programmer Tim Patersons QDOS. In the deal of the century, Gates licensed MS-DOS to IBM but retained rights to the software. Gates made a fortune for Microsoft, which had become a major soft vendor. Microsoft Mouse Microsofts mouse was released on May 2, 1983. Windows Also in 1983, Microsofts crowning achievement was released. The  Microsoft Windows operating system had a novel graphical user interface and a multitasking environment for IBM computers. In 1986, the company went public, and Gates became a billionaire at 31. Microsoft Office 1989 marked the release of Microsoft Office, a software package that, as the name describes, is a collection of programs for use in an office. It includes a word processor, spreadsheet, mail program, business presentation software, and more. Internet Explorer In August 1995, Microsoft released Windows 95, which included technologies for connecting to the Internet, such as built-in support for dial-up networking, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), and the web browser Internet Explorer 1.0. Xbox In 2001, Microsoft introduced its first gaming unit, the Xbox system. Xbox faced stiff competition from Sonys PlayStation, and eventually Microsoft discontinued the original Xbox in favor of later versions. In 2005, Microsoft released the Xbox 360 gaming console, which was a success. Microsoft Surface In 2012, Microsoft made its first foray into the computing hardware market with the announcement of Surface tablets that ran Windows RT and Windows 8 Pro. Sources:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analysis of Existentialist Philosophy by Sartre Literature review

Analysis of Existentialist Philosophy by Sartre - Literature review Example This is the responsibility of authenticity, realizing one's being and acting in good faith (Brown, 1948). These three propositions are reflected in Frank O'Connor's "Guests of the Nation" and Albert Camus' "The Guest." O'Connor and Camus highlight the absurdity of the universe and show how the failure to make choices which reflect authentic being, leads to existentialist suffering. The titles of both short stories express the theme of absurdity. In O'Connor's story, the two Englishmen are war hostages, the prisoners of the Irish soldiers, Donovan, Noble and Bonaparte and certainly not "guests of the nation." In Albert Camus' "The Guest," the reader questions the identity of the guest. Is it Daru, the European who has no other home than Algeria; Balducci, the military police officer who personifies French authority and colonial power; or is it the Arab, for whom Algeria is the home of his ancestors and his homeland. By making readers question the nature of the guest, host, enemy, friend relationship, both O'Connor and Camus draw attention to the absurdity of allowing politics, rather than our nature, to dictate our relationship with others. The absurdity of trying to impose political meaning on relationships is highlighted in "Guests of the Nation." Belcher and Hawkins, officially war hostages, were, however, treated as guests and as friends, a fact which makes their execution all the more absurd horrendous. As Bonaparte says, "after the first day or two we gave up all pretense of keeping a close eye on them." (Reference) They did not need to keep a close eye on Belcher and Hawkins because they had become part of the surroundings and had integrated into the community. They were not, on the human and interpersonal level, enemies. The absurdity of war had made them enemies and when they were able to leave the war behind them, even if temporarily, they became friends. This makes their execution all the more absurd because, at the end of the day, there is no reason for executing these two men. It is not the senselessness of the act which incites the existential suffering in the Irish soldiers because existentialist philosophy is premised upon an acknowledgment of the inherent absurdity of life. Instead, suffering is an outcome of the fact that their participation in the execution was not something which agreed with them. At some deep, internal level, the soldiers objected to the executions but carried them out, thereby failing to act authentically. The futility of existence and the absurdist nature of the universe are further reflected in the theme of senseless deaths. Camus's "The Guest" is set in Algeria but of the three main characters, only the Arab is Algerian.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Google tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Google tools - Essay Example Thus, users have the opportunity to assess and address the causes of slow page loading. The download speed is estimated on a scale of 100 points. Webpage â€Å"Page Speed Online† was tested with a view to assess its own speed loading; it got an overall Page Speed Score of 96 (out of 100). The result obtained can be regarded as excellent. Recommendations on improvement of the site load speed are divided into three points: high-priority, medium priority and low priority. Thus, users have the opportunity to optimize their sites accordingly. Google Page Speed is capable to analyze the mobile versions of various websites and provide the recommendations on their optimization. One can use Google Page Speed absolutely free. Key words: Google search, Google Labs, Google instruments, Page Speed testing. GOOGLE INSTRUMENTS Google is considered to be the most powerful search engine. Shortest time of indexing, a huge number of data centers, unique algorithms for information processing and other achievements of the company create conditions under which the search of necessary data is becoming more and more perfect. But Google is not only a search engine - it is also a mail server, and promotional projects (Adsense and Adwords), and free blogging service, as well as tools that allow interested users to obtain various information for any purpose. Benefits of Google services and tools are centralized data repository and thought-out interface availability. Nowadays a lot of people complain of the low quality of websites page loading. Now it is easy to check up the speed of any loading page you are interested in. Google released a tool that measures the speed of any web page downloading. The given tool, which is available in Google Labs, analyzes download speed of any specified website, besides it makes recommendations on how to improve it. And though there are a lot of similar instruments in the network (reviews of instruments measuring the speed of site downloading), a t ool suggested by Google arouses a special interest of users. This experimental tool for assessing site speed is called Google Page Speed (URL ). It should be noted that the given instrument is easy to use. Just enter your website address, and Google will return a page with a speed rating of the site loading; suggestions on how to improve loading speed will be also helpful. The download speed is estimated by a 100-point scale. It is curious to know that the very page â€Å"Page Speed Online† got an overall Page Speed Score of 96 (out of 100), so, needless to say, that the result is more than just good. Recommendations on improvement of the site load speed (or the reasons for its slow-loading) are divided into three points: high-priority, medium priority and low priority. Thus, we have clear guidelines how to start optimizing the site for its faster loading. Here are some examples of how Google GOOGLE INSTRUMENTS assesses the reasons for a site slowing down: High priority: enab le caching. Medium priority: combine images into CSS sprites to minimize JavaScript, optimize the styles and minimize diversion. Low priority: hide redirects; zoom the image out; minify the CSS; minify HTML. (URL ). The assessment tool Google Page Speed has an advantage over other tools because of its capability to analyze the mobile versions of various

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Preventive Priorities Survey 2014 Essay Example for Free

Preventive Priorities Survey 2014 Essay In this article the author has written about a survey conducted by The Center for Preventive Action which is Preventive Priorities Survey (PPS) that assess the current and all the possible conflicts which can occur in the coming years of US and how they can influence U.S. interests . The purpose of PPS is to help the U.S. policymaking community primarily to prevent conflicts and all the incentives that can erupt a conflict . In the conflict preventive survey there are many possible sources of instability and conflict around the world that the United States should try to avoid. Predicting which conflicts are more likely to occur and can pose a greater threat to U.S. interests than others helps to decide where to focus attention and resources. PPS is a qualitative evaluation that uses the informed judgement of the experts to check all the possible threats and risks that can destroy US interests by erupting a conflict. To help the experts with their estimations and cope up with the situation , the survey offered general guidelines to check the relative probability and impact of potential contingencies which a US could face. These contingencies were categorized in different levels as high , moderate and low based on their chance of occurring and their intensity of impact on US interests. The PPS did not include the potential economic or financial crises or any natural calamity or environmental problems , PPS is primarily concerned with the discrete geopolitical contingencies .Also the PPS represents the expert’s opinion at the time the survey was conducted. Risk assessments can change rapidly and oftenly. The results, therefore, could be quite different after several months. There is a certain methodology to carry out this survey which the center for preventive actions performs in different stages of which first stage is soliciting the PPS contingencies in which CPA used a variety of social media platforms as well as its blog on to seek suggestions for contingencies to include in the 2014 survey. With the help of the Council on Foreign Relations’, CPA extracted hundreds of suggestions into thirty contingencies considering both ,possibility to occur over the next twelve months and potentially harmful to U.S. interests. The nest stage was polling of experts in which the survey was sent to more than 1200 government officials ,foreign policy experts and academics to evaluate the likelihood and poteintial impact of each contingency on US inetrest  according to the definite criteria. Ultimately the most popular suggestions were included in the survey. Then comes the final stage that is categorizing the contingencies in which the survey results were uniformly scored and contingencies were sorted into one of three preventive priority tiers in accordance to their placement in the risk assessmemnt matrix. There are three tiers in assessing the contingencies in PPS . In Tier 1 Contingencies judged high preventive priorities for U.S. policymakers because in tier 1 those contingencies were included which had a severe impact on US interests and their chance to occur was moderate like the Syrian civil war ,a highly disruptive cyberattack on U.S. critical infrastructure ,threat of military strikes against Iran , a mass casualty terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland ,a severe North Korean crisis caused by a military provocation, internal political instability, or threatening nuclear weapons/ ICBM-related activities. Then comes the contingencies which had moderate impact but high likelihood such as growing violence and instability in Afghanistan resulting from the drawdown of coalition forces and/or contested national elections ,increasing internal violence and political instability in Pakistan ,strengthening of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula resulting from continued political instability in Yemen and/or backlash from U.S. counterterrorism operations , civil war in Iraq ,growing political instability and civil violence in Jordan triggered by spillover from the Syrian civil war. In Tier 2 Contingencies judged mid-level preventive priorities for U.S. policymakers as those contingencies are includedin tier 2 which had moderate effects and moderate chance to occur such as deterioration of the political situation in Egypt, increased sectarian violence and political instability in Lebanon ,continuing conflict in Somalia, political instability and growing militancy in Libya ,drug-related violence in Mexico, a severe Indo-Pakistani military confrontation due to Kashmir. Also there were contingencies which had high impact and low likelihood which are an armed confrontation in the East China Sea between China and Japan ,an armed confrontation in the South China Sea between China and Southeast Asian plaintiff to disputed mari- time areas. It also includes contingencies with low effect on US and high likelihood of occurrence like increasing sectarian violence and political instability in Nigeria ,violence and risk of mass killing in the Central African Republic . In Tier 3 Contingencies judged low preventive priorities for U.S.  policymakers as it included those contingencies which had moderate effect on US interests and their chance of occurrence was low such as a Sino-Indian clash .it also included contingencies with low impact and moderate likelihood which were destabilization of Mali, growing popular unrest and political instability in Sudan , military conflict between Sudan and South Sudan due to border resource disputes ,conflict in the Kurdish- dominated regions of Turkey and the Middle East , growing violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo , internal violence in Bangladesh surrounding the general elections. Tier 3 also included contingencies with low impact and low likelihood such as political crisis in Venezuela leading to civil violence and potential regional instability , an outbreak of military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan . So this survey played a vital role to find out and take preventive measures for all t he current and upcoming conflicts which could have any adverse effect on US interests. This survey helped the experts to assess the contingencies and suggest those to CPA which could adversely influence US so the policymakers then worked according to the intensity of the contingencies suggested . PPS is very helpful for the center of preventive action to check the impact and likelihood of the contingencies which could occur and they carried out all their activities according to the strength of the contingencies which they measured on the risk assessing matrix and placed them in different tiers and took precautionary measures to protect the US interests and security.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Parental Attitudes Towards Chi :: essays research papers fc

A person’s gender, age, place of birth, accent, manners, etc., are the matters people take into account when describing or evaluating an individual. Birth order appears to be one of these matters as well. Birth order, as used in this paper, indicates a child’s place in the family. Birth order has an advantage of being easier to check than other characteristics. This type of study makes it possible to ask a person about their siblings without offending or taking too much of their time. Some individuals tend to determine the birth order of others simply by observing their behavior. Parents have a tendency of stereotyping their children according to their birth order. Thus, birth order brings up variations in the way the parents treat their children. Differences in parental attitudes and behaviors, in turn, greatly influence a child’s personality. Parental attitudes and behaviors refer to the way parents treat their children with regard to a child’s birth ord er. Although birth order and parental attitudes and behaviors tend to influence a child’s personality, a child’s place in the family does not explain everything about that child. Whether a child happens to be a firstborn, a lastborn, or somewhere in between, parents need to become aware of stereotyping by looking beyond it, and attempting to treat each child equally and uniquely. In today’s society parents pay different amounts of attention and attend differently to children of opposing birth order. Parents have distinct expectations for each of their offspring’s. A study done by Spitze and Logan showed that parental attitudes towards their children may be affected by their number, gender, and birth order. These factors also 2 influence the closeness the child feels towards his parents. Furthermore, the study shows that as the number of siblings increases in the family the oldest and youngest children tend to be closer to their parents than the middle children (Spitze and Logan 871). Parents also tend to have higher expectations for their oldest children than for children of any other birth order. New parents do not have much experience when they have their first child and therefore tend to be extremely strict with them. They want to be the "perfect" parents, setting and example for their firstborn so that he, in turn, would set a good example for later-borns. Not only do parents set high expectations on their oldest children, but they also look for children to satisfy all of their expectations.

Monday, November 11, 2019

KeepCup Analysis

KeepCup Company is an Australia private company, who are working in exporting reusable cups. KeepCup head office, which in Melbourne is recently exploring for the feasibility of introducing their product overseas to German. This business report provides a business analysis and consideration about the external environment in German. The purpose of this business report is to facilitate KeepCup in order to help the company to make decision for expanding their product exporting to German.The observation will go through on the political, economic, socio-cultural, technological and legal environment of German. Besides reporting the environment condition in German, this report provide analysis about the external environment in relation to KeepCup. In addition, this business report will highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats according to the external environment in German related to KeepCup. The recommendations on the suitableness of this expansion will be based on th e SWOT analysis.The report found that expanding the product distribution to German is a good decision. The opportunities regarded to German’s external environment supersede the threats. The rapid growth in modern technology, highly economic growth, the socio-culture, also the political environment in German can be a convenience way for the company to operate in German. Also the similarity between Labor and Business Law in German and Australia are considered as opportunities for KeepCup.The threat is contrasted in the some differences in socio-culture. However, it is recommended that KeepCup expand their business to German by exporting their reusable cups because of these findings regarding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for expanding to German. This business report will provide relevant and empirical information on the political, economic, sociocultural, technological and legal environments through out SWOT analysis that impact KeepCup for expanding thei r business to German.2. Political Environment Political Environment consists of the government system, stability, government relation and certain political policies. (Bartol and Martin 1998, 71)2.1. Government StabilityGerman has been using democracy ideology from over 60 years ago. This makes a recently, democratic lifestyle and culture is embodied and implemented by every citizen in German (Make It In Germany 2013. The supreme authority in German is divided into 16 Là ¤nder and one central state. This kind of political government defined as a Democratic Federalist. Moreover, the stability of the government of German provides a suitable place for operating a business.2.2. Government RelationInternational relation is important for a big nation such as German. German has been joining six different international organization, which are European Union (EU), United Nation (UN), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), OSCE, World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Monetary Fu nd (IMF). There are two organizations, which are maintaining about trading relationship and the economic stability, WTO and IMF. With joining these two organizations, German has a good relation in politic issue particularly in the foreign or international trade. German has been joining WTO since 1995, this makes recently German opens their economic for foreign investment (Tatsachen Ueber Deutshland 2013).2.3. AnalysisAccording to the stability of the government of German, also the friendly and global political relationship, German is a good place to open a business. These two Political Environment characteristics provide an opportunity for KeepCup because German has a suitable Political Environment for opening business.3. Legal EnvironmentLegal Environment contrasts about two major laws, business law and labor law (Bartol and Martin 1998, 71).3.1. Business LawGerman has a low level of corruption. This country ranks 13th within least corruption country based on the Corruption Percept ions 2012 (Transparancy International 2012). Open international businesses in German are free from teething restriction in the daily business. Overall, the business law in German creates no different or contrast between the local company and foreign company investment or the established company. Moreover, the reliable laws make the companies able to plan their investments in the effective way (Germany Trade and Invest 2013).Apart from it, the business law in Australia has their own Guidelines and effective and consistent decision. The aim of government regarding to the Guidelines is to give a positive impact to the business conduct for companies in Australia (Australian Government 2011). Similar with German, Australia also categorized as one of the world least corruption by 2012 (Transparancy International 2012). Australian Government is concerned about corruption. Moreover, people in Australia also considered corruption as a harmful action for the environment (Bowman and Gilligan 2 009, 438-452)3.2. Labour LawThere are three main points according to similarity of the Labor Law in German and Australia. First of all, the legal working time for employee in German is eight hours per day (Liliane Jung 2011). Compared with Australia, which is eight hours per day, both countries have the same legal working hour (Work Place Info 2012). Secondly, the minimum working age in German are strictly applied by the government for employees in German. Hiring children for working, is forbidden by the law as stated in the YWPA (Young Workers Protection Act).Children under 15 years old are not allowed to work (Liliane Jung 2011). The legal age for working in Australia is also above 15 years old (Lawstuff 2010). This makes there is no different between the legal working age in German and Australia. Thirdly, the working conditions in German are considered as a safe and obligated working environment. The companies in German have a great liability for a particular large social and com munity. In order to improve the working conditions in German, health and safety are considered (Encyclopedia of The Nation 2012). Same with the working conditions in Australia, health and safety are required by the government as stated in National Employment Standards (NES) (Australian  Government 2009).3.3. AnalysisAccording to the similarity about the Business Law and Labor Law in German and Australia, both of the laws provide good opportunities for KeepCup in order to expand their business to German. KeepCup can be easily adapted to the Germany Laws and regulations because they don not need to totally adapt with the laws in German.4. Economic Environment Economic environment includes the stability of business cycle, exchange rate and economic trends which include economic trends and growth (â€Å"The Business and The Technological Environment† 2008, 58-80).4.1. Inflation RateIn July 2013, the inflation rate of Germany is at 1.92 percent. Since 1950, the inflation rate of Germany has been fluctuating with average rate at 2.49 percent until 2013. With this percentage of inflation rate, German can be considered as a good place for investment. The current inflation rate shows that the economic condition in German is in a good condition (Trading Economics 2013).4.2. Economic Trends and GrowthGerman is one of the heavily export countries in world (Trading Economics 2013). Since 10 years ago, the GDP of German has been fluctuating. From 2004 till 2008, the GDP of Germany was in positive number. Then in 2008 until 2010, there was an extreme decrease in the GDP of German which reached a peak at approximately -4.0. However, since 2010, the GDP of German has been going fluctuate at the positive number. Apart from it, recently the government of German is trying to maintain stability of GDP of Germany in the positive number. So, it can be a good condition for foreign investment in German, because they can make more profits if the economic condition in German gr owth (Randow 2013).4.3. AnalysisIn conclusion, both the inflation rate of German and also the economic trends and growth in German can be a good opportunities for foreign company to invest in German, particularly for KeepCup to expand their business to German.5. Socio-cultural EnvironmentSocio-cultural environment shows how the values of society influenced the working conditions (The Hofstede Centre 2013).5.1. The Cultural Dimension of Hofstede (The Hofstede Centre 2013)5.1.1. Power DistanceAustralia and German have a similar index of Power Distance. Both countries are considered as Low Power Distance countries. This culture creates a good leadership style between the managers and employees. Participative and democratic leadership are suitable for these two countries. Decentralized decisions making creates a good collaboration between team members and the leader.5.1.2. Individualism vs CollectivismAlthough the Individualism Index of Australia and German is slightly different, but bo th countries are considered as individualism country. Australia is more individualistic than German, it is considered as highly individualism country. Here people are more focused on their self-skills and individual performances. Moreover, Germany people are slightly more prefer to work as a team rather than working as an individual because the individualism in German is not as high as in Australia.5.1.3. Masculinity and Femininity Both Germany and Australian are considered as masculine. From the business point of view, people in both countries are more focus on performance in working and always try to do the best. Furthermore, with the masculine culture both people from these two countries are considered as hard worker.5.1.4. Uncertainty AvoidanceAustralia and German have different level of uncertainty avoidance. Germany can be considered as High Uncertainty Avoidance, whereas Australian is medium uncertainty avoidance. With the certain laws and legal policies in German, shows that Germany want to creates certainty by providing details and avoid risks. In contrast, Australian likes to try new things. People sometimes like to take a risk for creating a strategy.5.1.5. Term of OrientationGerman and Australia have the same term of orientation which is Short Term Orientation. In business point of view, both countries are using fast strategy and have a measureable payback. They also make a decision based on the recent condition. Logical thinking is using more than reach the consensus.5.2. AnalysisThere are three similarities and two differences between Germany and Australian socio-cultural based on Hofstede Cultural Dimensions. Germany and Australian have the similarities in Power Distance, Masculinity and Term of Orientation. In contrast, German and Australian have the differences in individualism and uncertainty avoidance. However, these socio-cultural dimensions can be opportunities for Keepcup to invest in German, because the similarities are outweigh the diff erences.6. Technological EnvironmentThe technological environment reflects the current technological infrastructure and communication technology (Mosley, Pietri, and Megginson 1996, 82)6.1. Technological Infrastructure German is going fast in improving their infrastructure since last decade. Based on Germany Trade and Invest, now German is the second best quality of infrastructure in the world, because German has some good logistic infrastructures. First of all, is the Port of Hamburg which the second largest port container in the world. Secondly, are the over 250 inland ports which are providing an efficient logistic distribution. Lastly, is the Frankfurt Airport which is the world seventh largest cargo airport and ninth largest passenger airport (Germany Trade and Invest 2011). These three logistic infrastructures creates a good opportunities and simplicities for foreign company to distribute their products to German.6.2. Communication NetworkCompared with Australia, German also h as an ultra high speed internet with fiber optic network and also wide range of mobile coverage. These modern communication network make the economic transactions and communications to national segment or even international segment easier and more efficient. (SAG Germany 2013).6.3. AnalysisThe sophisticated technology infrastructure and communication network in German provide an opportunities for KeepCup to do investment in German. The simplicity of the logistic distribution makes KeepCup easily to distribute their product among German. Moreover, the wide coverage area for communication network in German provides and easy way to communicate between customer to the company or company to company.ConclusionsBased on the SWOT analysis above, is highly recommended for KeepCup to expand their business to Germany. The strengths of KeepCup are greater than their weakness. This condition makes KeepCup can be easily to invest in German in this period of time. Moreover, it also supported by th e opportunities that extremely overcome the threat that KeepCup will encounter. Is highly recommended for KeepCup to start their investment to German first of all with looking for certain local cafà © to cooperate with them regarding to sell their reusable cups.9. Recommendations According to the weaknesses and the threat analysis, KeepCup will not be impacted with their weaknesses and threat in German. This happened because the strengths are overcome the weaknesses of KeepCup and the opportunities for KeepCup are outweigh the threat that the company will contend. These conditions provide three recommendations for KeepCup according to their plan to expand their business to German:1. KeepCup should expand their business in this period of time.2. KeepCup have to eliminate the weakness overcoming them with their strengths.3. KeepCup need to avoid the threats by outweighing them with their opportunities.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

“A” for Alienation Essay

Alienation is a common theme in all writing; however, in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, never has alienation been so vividly accounted. The Scarlet Letter is a story about Hester Prynne, a woman who commits adultery against her husband named Roger Chillingworth, with the local reverend named Arthur Dimmesdale; the result is a strange child named Pearl. The plot thickens as the mistress and the reverend strive to keep their sin a secret, and as Chillingworth appears back in town hiding his true identity; it climaxes on a scaffold where all secrets are revealed. Alienation is a heavy theme throughout the book, and it adds an incredible twist to see it’s affect on the characters. Alienation is portrayed through symbols, behavior, and drama with Hester, Pearl and Dimmesdale. Each character is associated with an important symbol that sets them apart from society. They also each deal with their alienation in different ways with different behaviors, and they are treated d ifferently by society causing drama. In the end, some can deal being outcasts from society, but some cannot. Hester, the main character of the book, is most evidently alienated from society for her sin. The most important symbol in the book, the embroidered â€Å"A† on her bosom, sewed on as punishment for adultery, is also a symbol for alienation. She is different from all of society because of that mark, and can never live a normal life because of it. â€Å"†¦Let her cover the mark as she will, the pang of it will be always in her heart,† (38), said a townsperson at first sight of the scarlet letter. As seen in this quote, society will always look at the scarlet letter as a wall between themselves and Hester. Hester’s behavior shows how greatly she is affected by her alienation. â€Å"Lonely as was Hester’s situation and without a friend on earth who dared to she herself, she, however, incurred no risk of want,† (57); in this quote one sees how being alienated from society can cause a person to become an introvert and become a lifeless body as Hester had become. There is a lot of drama surrounding Hester; all of society looks at Hester in shame. This complete shun from society drives Hester to live in an isolated cottage away from people. â€Å"In this little, lonesome dwelling†¦Hester established herself with her infant child,† (57). This particular dramatic  event alienated Hester geographically as well as socially. Hester’s alienation also causes others to become alienated like her daughter and the one she has an affair with; however, Hester is most sharply alienated from all. Hester’s daughter, Pearl, is also alienated from society. Her alienation has different circumstances, however, because she was born an alien, she did nothing wrong. Since she is the product of sin, many consider her a â€Å"demon child† with supernatural powers. For this reason, she herself is a symbol of her alienation; â€Å"It [Pearl] was the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life!† (70). She is compared to Hester’s symbol of alienation, but she is a breathing, living form of the same symbol. She alienated herself and her mother from society. She is not your normal child, she acts very different; â€Å"She [Hester] could recognize her [Pearl] wild, desperate, defiant, mood, the flightiness of her temper, and even some of the very cloud-shapes of gloom and despondency that had brooded in her heart,† (63). In this description of Pearl’s behavior, we see a child that does not fit in your normal Puritan mold; she is a child filled of energy, character, and mischief. She finds a way to live a happy life regardless of being an outcast from society. Because of Pearl’s behavior and her mother’s sin, lots of drama occurs around the possession of the child; â€Å"Women it is thy bandage of shame! †¦It is because of the stain which that letter indicates, that we would transfer thy child to other hands,† (76). Here, Governor Bellingham is trying to take Pearl from her mother to give her a â€Å"normal† life in attempt to raise the child into your average, molded Puritan. Pearl is a free willed little girl who circumstantially is outcasted by society. Arthur Dimmesdale, the local reverend, is Pearls father; however, this is a secret kept from society and is revealed in the final scene. Dimmesdale’s secret guilt alienates him internally from everyone around him. His hidden sin is eating him alive while he continues to put a mask on and preach to society as if nothing is wrong. This hidden secret is symbolized in the book as an unknown marking on his chest over his heart. â€Å"With a convulsive motion he tore away the ministerial band from before his breast. It was revealed!†Ã‚  (172); here, Dimmesdale reveals the markings on his chest to all of society and reveals his secret. This marking, weather it be a scarlet letter or not, is what symbolizes his alienation. It is an internal alienation from the outside world, and is not known by society until this moment. His behavior prior to this event should signs of a deep illness, not curable by any medicine. â€Å"His nerve seemed absolutely destroyed. His moral force was abused into more than childish weakness,† (109). Dimmesdale is weak in spirit and in health due to his extreme guilt alienating him from society. His behavior reflects his health which is in jeopardy due to his secret. This extreme pressure causes dramatic events to occur before the final climax. â€Å"Walking in the shadow of a dream, as it were, and perhaps actually under the influence of a species of somnambulism,† (101). The author here describes Dimmesdale’s journey to the scaffold one night; this night he can take the guilt no longer. It describes him to be in another world controlled by his guilt. He is alienated from all when he is in this frame of mind, and this can be seen through dramatic events such as this. Dimmesdale’s secret sin has caused his character to change considerably while ali enating him for the rest of the town. The three â€Å"aliens† in this story have different types of alienation, and are under different circumstance too; nevertheless, the simple fact remains, they are alienated from their surroundings. Each character deals with their alienation a different way, and this is evident at the end of the story. Dimmesdale cannot take his inner guilt any longer and dies, Pearl fights through her problems to live a normal life, and Hester lives forever in her sin on her own. Through symbols, each character’s behavior, and the drama occurring in their lives, alienation can be depicted with each character; however, the outcome of their alienation is governed only by the inner qualities of the character that the author has created. This reoccurring theme in literature has never taken a similar twist of outcomes, and it has brought interest, excitement, and meaning to the story.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

If I Had a Robot Essays

If I Had a Robot Essays If I Had a Robot Essay If I Had a Robot Essay So, if you had a robot, what would you want it to do for you? Im sure you were Just thinking about that very same question. If you are now asking yourself How does this have anything to do with parenting? let me ease your mind by blowing some smoke up your um, we parents are real busy people. The kind of people who need robots to do stuff for us. She doesnt do windows starpulse. com She doesnt do windows Actually, this reverie came out of three things. 1. My post on Mothers Day gifts led to the revelation by tinkleflick that in addition to the Roomba (the vacuuming robot) here is a Scooba. I need one. 2. My family Just went to the severely overcrowded Makers Faire recently, so we are seriously geeked out on robots right now. (By the way, we came close to touching the brim of Adams hat. You know, Adam Savage from Mythbusters. For geeks I believe that is close to a religious experience, right up there with getting to second base with someone who looks a lot like Princess Lela. ) And 3. I always think about things like this, generally around the time when I have a looming deadline. For years IVe pondered, What would I do on the Holodeck? but rust me, it gets way too raunchy for a family blog. But really, wouldnt you Just stay on the Holodeck forever? Good god, somebody get the geek tranquilizers before I start telling you more about my Rock Band exploits. Anyhow, I made some ground rules because thats how I am. You get to pick five things the robot can do. You can have the robot do one kind of chore, but you cant say a robot that does all the housework because thats like wishing for more wishes and it gets dull. Your robot can only do things people can do, so no robots making you invisible or what-have-you. And yes, many of us would naturally be getting, um, regular servicing, if you will, from the robot. So lets Just concede that it goes without saying, and really, you dont need to say it. Cuddling, however, is still on the table. I will say this exercise is kinda interesting because it makes you think about what in your life is pure drudgery and what you actually enjoy. For example, for a minute I thought about having my robot write blog posts for me, since it would free up so much my time, but realized I enjoy that too much. See how much I love you? of a Job, and thats not right.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Argumentative Fallacy Vs. Straw

The great privilege of United States of America is the people of the country have the right to equality. Clayborne Carson an author of the argumentative essay â€Å"Two Cheers for Brown vs. Board of Education†. Born in Buffalo, New York; he is an educated scholar who specializes in African American and civil rights history. Carson’s essay is summarizes how Brown affected the outcome of desegregation in public schools. Brown is a Supreme Court decision that ruled public schools to allow African American†¦ A Straw man argument is a version of an argument then is easier to attack. Just as a man made of straw is a less solid version then a man made a flesh, a Straw man argument is a less solid version of a fully fleshed out argument. A straw man replaces or represents what ever actual argument is being made. The Straw man argument can come in many forms and some time is not even intional. People may accidental construct and Straw man argument if they don 't fully understand the depth of the subject or†¦ me. Not simply taking my breath away, but that feeling you get when you get punched in the stomach. That pain that keeps on coming. This was coupled with an intense ringing in my ears and tunnel vision. I felt like I was looking down the end of a straw. I seriously thought I was going to die. I had no idea what had just happened. All I could think about is whether my limbs we still intact. Ten minutes before that I had pulled the charge out of my back pack and mounted it to the wall. I was excited†¦ Mrs. Krumsiek English 101 30 November 2016 Argumentative essay We now live in a society where superheroes can be considered role models. Superheroes have escalated throughout the years, not only through comics, but through billion dollar movies like â€Å"Captain America: Civil War† and â€Å"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice†. They 're everywhere now from movies to shows, comic books, kids’ lunch boxes and backpacks. As humans we are sort obsessed with the superhero concept. We tend to look up to†¦ Logical fallacies are basically common errors. Everyone single person every day makes a common error. The logical fallacies that I will be discussing are the sunk cost fallacy, slippery slope fallacy, hasty generalization fallacy, post hoc ergo propter hoc, ad hominem, red herring, and the straw man fallacy. It happens to everyone of us, even though we may not even realize it sometimes. Sunk cost fallacy is getting into something and not wanting to get out of it because you may have put a lot of†¦ Straw Into Gold Analysis Many people in today’s society have become whom they are because of how they grew up. Many have been shaped into who they are because of their culture, their upbringing, or their families. In Sandra Cisneros’s story, â€Å"Straw Into Gold†, she uses allusion, imagery, and irony to strongly depict how much of her life has truly shaped her into the writer she is today. In using these three rhetorical devices, she creates a better understanding of the impact her childhood†¦ Argumentative Essay The function of an argumentative essay is to show that your assertion (opinion, theory, and hypothesis) about some phenomenon or phenomena is correct or more truthful than others'. The art of argumentation is not an easy skill to acquire. Many people might think that if one simply has an opinion, one can argue it successfully, and these folks are always surprised when others don't agree with them because their logic seems so correct. Argumentative writing is the act of forming†¦ Master List of Logical Fallacies Fallacies are fake or deceptive arguments, arguments that prove nothing. Fallacies often seem superficially sound, and far too often have immense persuasive power, even after being clearly exposed as false. Fallacies are not always deliberate, but a good scholar’s purpose is always to identify and unmask fallacies in arguments. Ad Hominem Argument: Also, "personal attack," "poisoning the well." The fallacy of attempting to refute an argument†¦ Argumentative Strategies of Plato vs. Aristophanes In Aristophanes’ â€Å"Clouds† and Plato’s â€Å"Apology† Socrates is satirically attacked and rationally defended respectively. The two argumentative styles of Aristophanes and Plato are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Aristophanes utilizes satire and humorous exaggerations of sophist teachings to denounce Socrates. Alternatively, Plato’s â€Å"Apology† uses logic and reason in order to defend himself against the charges brought against him. Both writings†¦ Sample Argumentative Essay Skills vs. Knowledge in Education Jonan Donaldson Introduction Main Idea One: The Other Side – Learning Information is needed for tests a) Tests are the best way to compare students b) Tests measure if you understand something c) Not all students can have the same skills, but all can have the same knowledge Main Idea Two: My Side 1 – Education is about understanding a) Knowledge is limited, but imagination encircles the world (creativity)†¦

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Flow chart of the recruitment (top) and selection (bottom) process Assignment

Flow chart of the recruitment (top) and selection (bottom) process - Assignment Example The paper tells that recruitment can be done in two levels i.e. internal recruitment and external recruitment, although they both follow the same generic steps to accomplish the company’s objectives. Internal recruitment involves employment of individuals who have previously worked with the firm and includes processes like transfers, promotions and reinstatement of former employees. On the other hand, external recruitment involves the firm employing individuals who have never worked in the firm again from numerous sources available in the market. Internal recruitment has the advantage of increasing employee productivity since recruits are already aware of internal mechanisms of the firm, and they do not need a long time to readjust after appointment. However, internal recruitments deny the firm the benefits of innovation that come from employing people who are unfamiliar with the firm. Therefore, even firms with robust employee training and development programs should occasion ally do external recruitments to enrich the quality and diversity of its human resources. Selection is the process that follows recruitment and involves the passing of the new recruits through rigorous tests and elimination processes to ensure that the firm employs individuals who are most suited for their jobs. Current and potential requirements of a position must be matched with the candidate that possesses the best knowledge, skill, ability, and other personal characteristics that would enable them to perform one’s duties effectively and efficiently. ... These individuals are more likely to be satisfied with their job, less likely to be absent from duty, and are motivated to do their best for the firm as long as the firm takes care of their welfare (Cooper, Robertson and Tinline, 2003). The selection process takes a considerable period since the firm wants to assess the suitability of the individual; however, it also gives the new employee time to identify the suitability of the firm’s strategic plan to personal objectives. For instance, a suitable candidate would not want to work for a firm that does not reflect their personal values. Therefore, as the firm eliminates recruits who are unsuitable to work in its system, individuals get to choose if they want to work with the firm, ensuring both are sure of the possible consequences of the venture without having to make prior commitments (Cooper, Robertson and Tinline, 2003). Task 2: Catering Manager Job Description Job title: Catering Manager Reporting to: Managing Director Sal ary: ?30,000 per annum Hours: Full time (average 40 hours per week) Location: Greenwich Park, London Purpose of the Position The catering manager will oversee, direct, and organize all the catering functions. They will ensure successful planning and smooth running of events, work with clients to ensure that events are completed successfully, and get feedback from clients for use in future planning processes. Finally, the catering manager will have the duty of ensuring that healthy and productive relationship exists between employees and various product providers. Duties and Responsibilities Responsibility 1: The catering manager should assist clients in arranging their events, and even suggest service providers for other services that the events may