Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Topic about non-pofit and non-governmental organizations Essay

Topic about non-pofit and non-governmental organizations - Essay Example The greatest challenge confronted by NPOs today is the emergence of financial shortages posed by regular government cutbacks resulting in funders who prefer supporting short-term projects rather than long-term activities. NPOs immensely rely on their volunteers for various tasks such as fundraising, performing office works and other tasks related with the NPOs. Besides, the increasing competition among the NPOs have resulted in diminishing funding and raised various difficulties in acquiring corporate support. It has been majorly influenced by this aspect that the small non-profit organizations have emerged as the prime sufferers of the intense organizational competition (Stowe & Barr, 2005). Consequently, many NPOs have tailored programs limited towards meeting the needs of funders, only which has increased the risk of ‘mission drift’ among both large and small NPOs (Cheng & Mohamed, 2010). In the similar context, the structure of NGOs may take several forms such as lar ge or small, bureaucratic or flexible as well as it may be practiced in an informal or formal form. NGOs largely rely on its supporters and volunteers as well as on its staffs with the intention of availing adequate manpower in order to satisfy the organizational objectives. Similar to NPOs, funds are required by the NGOs as well to support their charitable operations (Australian Council for International Development, 2010). It is in this context that the fundraising costs of NGOs at times are observed to be problematic by a certain extent. Correspondingly, the activities related to fundraising of NGOs may be affected by inter-organizational factors including organizational values, resources and other external factors such as restrictions posed by government laws and regulations. The common fundraising sources that are adopted by organizations include government grants, roadside collections, special events, membership and online donations among others (Cheng & Mohamed, 2010). NPOs a nd NGOs are important elements of any society that aims to benefit the citizens to raise their living standard and seek cooperation from other to help them in performing their tasks efficiently. Nonetheless, it is not an easy task for the organizations to conduct activities conveniently as several factors act as hindrances in this context. For instance, in the current era, human sympathies are often considered as insufficient for reforming societies or eliminating social causes such as poverty, illiteracy, and other social causes or rescuing people during natural calamities rendering greater significance monetary values and economic benefits. Therefore, funds, as well as skilled and hard working staffs are also required in order to efficiently meet the challenges faced by the citizens of various nations (Australian Council for International Development, 2010). The organizations often obtain grants provided by governments and donations collected from various people and members which in most instances prove to be inadequate in meeting the financial requirements. Furthermore, with the increase in the human population, the vulnerability of unfavorable circumstances also tends to be increased. In this course, the organizations need to expand their area of

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